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Introduction of School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Discipline Characteristics. The School of Humanities and Social Sciences is the most extensive in USTB in terms of the disciplines it covers, including law, public administration, sociology and literature etc.. SHSS has a relatively complete educational system that includes undergraduate programs in administration, law and social work, academic MA programs in public management, law and sociology, professional MA programs in MPA, JM and MSW, and doctoral programs in the subdiscipline of educational technology and educational management.SHSS is among the first pilot institutions to grant master’s degree in MPA.

History. Founded in April 1995, SHSS integrated the former Department of Social Sciences, the Department of Foreign Languages, the Institute of Higher Education and the Office of Ideology Education and Research. It is proudly among  the three schools focusing on humanity and social sciences education and research in USTB.

International Exchange. Both international and domestic exchange programs are available for students in SHSS. With the Swansea University, we have the 3+1+1 cooperative educational program and in cooperation with the University of Dundee, we have the 3+1 exchange program and 3+1+1 Fast Track Program. During the summer session, at least one course will be taught by an invited professor from a famous university outside China. Besides, in order to broaden students' horizons and supplement their professional knowledge, well-known experts from abroad are often invited to give talks and lectures.

Development Plan. In accordance with the requirements of the country, our society and the characteristics of USTB, SHSS aims to optimize the disciplines in an all-round way and facilitate the social public education through improving the education of humanities and social sciences under the background of engineering educational reform in the spirit of inclusiveness and harmony. It focuses on both teaching and research, both fundamental knowledge and professional knowledge, both the teaching of public administration, law and social work for its own majors and the teaching of general education courses for students from other majors in USTB. In 2017, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences began to allow its freshmen to study across disciplines before anchoring their major. They are allowed to transfer their major based on their growing interest. To enable students to acquire knowledge in a profound and comprehensive manner, the School has adopted a modular four-fold course system: the school-wide general courses, general courses of the disciplines, advanced professional courses and optional courses. Based on general education and professional training, the School stays committed to producing professionals and also generalists.

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